$37.00 USD

Say goodbye to the good girl! 

The good girl is the part of us that's well-behaved. She follows the rules. She's polite and compliant and accommodating. 

To be truly free, we all need to liberate ourselves from the good girl. 

Happily we have the very class to help you with that. 

Pick up our visibility block clearing class 'Unpacking the Good Girl' today for the special price - available only on this page - of $19 USD. 

When you say good bye to the good girl, you'll find yourself comfortably setting boundaries, asking for what you want, and declaring your needs like they matter. Because they do! 


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Smash the Patriarchal Mindset

What you'll get: 

4-day short course to work through three key areas in which the patriarchal mindset is affecting your willingness and capacity to speak up and be seen and heard in the world.

healing and block clearing exercise to help liberate you from a system designed to keep you playing small and insignificant.

A bonus visibility tool: Releasing the People Pleaser. 

An invitation to our free IWD workshop open exclusively to Smash the Patriarchal Mindset students.

What People Are Saying:

If you haven’t done Sam’s visibility classes, please do them now. THE MOST amazing work I’ve done in a long while (and I’ve done a lot!). Overflowing the gratitude. Sam, you are amazing.

Gulara, UK